Sriram J wrote:
>> Can some one tell me what is the positioning of linux as an operating
> system.

There isnt one. There does not need to be one. Its used on devices as
mobile phones to the largest supercomputer in the world. I think what
you need to do is read up a bit on what Linux is and the whole idea of
open source :D

> who are target audience/consumers of linux supposed to be.

everyone who can use it.

> is  linux intended by design to always remain out of the reach of the person
> who refuses  to jump through hoops to get the hardware to work .

I had to jump through no hoops to get my hardware working - I have 8
machines here at home, and 3 laptops.

Also, if your statement was true - OSX would never had had a future,
they support a much much smaller subset of hardware than Linux does -
yet its gone from 3% to 7% of all Personal users ( not sure where the
number came from, it was quoted at a recent meeting at work, correct me
if I am wrong on that ).

>  i myself back in the days  had to switch to windows because i bought an
> unsupported video card and did not have the money to buy an new one.

back in the day, I used to use os/2 since it gave me the best serial
comms and tcp/ip support to get online. Ofcourse that was 1994/5 :D
things have sort of moved on since.

Karanbir Singh : : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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