I tried out a few CMSs when I had to started with making a website for
my department (it is still work under progress and not published yet).

I did try Joomla, MODx, and a few more CMS (I have the names on my lab
PC) but we finally stuch to MODx. We foudn it to be quite configurable
(I'm sure others are as well), graphically and otherwise.

I can't really say much about other options but I would suggest MODx
because I found it pretty easy to modify its code (to adapt to our
requirements) and also modifying some of the add-ons (like
EasyNews/EasyEvents or something).

It is also pretty easy to make submission forms (for surveys/feedback etc).

Oh, forgot the important thing which is that our requirement was that
faculty/staff/and even students should be able to manage content (MODx
supports that but I will also confess that giving the initial roles is
a tad-bit confusing though it seems logical once you get it going). We
did not want a website where a guest visitor should be able to
modify/add content and that is what I have been able to turn it into
(just had to disable a plugin and make a few changes in the template

Sharad Birmiwal

1. http://modxcms.com/
2. http://modxcms.com/resources.html (for add-ons and stuff)

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