On 01-May-08, at 9:56 PM, Raj Mathur wrote:

> ...neither of which statements has any bearing on the ``hackproof''
> label.  Please, either substantiate (which is impossible) or withdraw
> the original statement, because we sure don't want to give people here
> the impression that any reasonably complex piece of software can be
> ``hackproof''.  Least of all a CMS with known vulnerabilities (in  
> other
> words, it's been hacked, and I can provide proof... is that what you
> meant? :)

please provide the proof
> In general, a piece of software may be more secure, it may have  
> fewer or
> no known vulnerabilities, it may be well written, it may be crafted
> with security in mind,

excellent description of plone


Kenneth Gonsalves
Associate, NRC-FOSS

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