On Monday 19 May 2008, Naresh Narang wrote:
> --- Manish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I just hope Indian government and law is not part of
> > this ecosystem.
> > And I also hope the law has enough teeth to ensure
> > that consumers are
> > protected against such unfair practices.
> This is great effort and will help community at large
> but I think this OT discussion has gone too far for
> this list and Linux's survival is not dependent on MS
> bashing. Please take this discussion to some relevant
> list.

I don't agree -- getting your money back for software you didn't ask for 
and whose licence terms you don't agree is on-topic for this list IMO.  
ILUGD is as much about advocacy as it is about technology.

P.S. Sent a mail to the Municipal Corporation of Delhi yesterday, whose 
web site (http://www.mcdpropertytax.in/staff/index.jsp) requires you to 
use IE to file property tax.  Let's see what (if anything) happens.


-- Raju
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
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