> Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2008 19:56:50 +0530
> From: "Linux Lingam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [ilugd] asus eeepc 4gb with linux spotted in delhi
> To: "The Linux-Delhi mailing list" <ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org>
> Message-ID:
>        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> dear all,
> i spotted a linux-based asus eeepc 4gb with a 7" screen at a gadget
> shop, in a mall in delhi. they allowed me to fiddle around with it. am
> quite impressed with the machine: what a beautiful and elegant
> interface to linux, even newbies to computers and the internet can use
> it. this netbook is easier to use than win or mac, thanks to the
> interface.
> does anyone own one yet?
> does it easily configure and use roaming internet access via a
> usb-dongle from tataindicom or reliance or other mobile net ISPs?
> fyi, they were selling it at rs 18,000 all inclusive, but the US
> retail street price is obviously less. what are the prices you've
> discovered here?
> it's wi-fi is quite impressive, good at catching weak signals, which
> other wi-fi devices could not catch in the same vicinity.
> am considering buying one for myself, for just regular netbooking.
> what do you say?
> regards
> niyam
> --
> niyam bhushan

I have had one for 3 months and like it very much.
Primarily used for browsing and entertainment

I use Tata Telecom for USB browsing - not very often. Performance was
quite satisfactory in Mumbai(Mahim) but not so good in Chandigarh.


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