> I've played about with the disk scheduler and the
> buffering ratio 
> (/sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler 
> and /proc/sys/vm/dirty_background_ratio) and that seems to
> alleviate 
> the problem a bit, but it's still there, albeit much
> less than before.  
> On the other hand, I could be totally wrong about the cause
> of the 
> problem, and this could be mere symptomatic treatment.  So
> anyone have 
> a clue as to why these freezes happen, or a better solution
> for fixing 
> them?  The disk is otherwise writing at about 60MB/s (which
> I presume 
> is OK for a SATA).

See if you have disk cache turned off. If so turning ON disk write cache should 
alleviate this problem but you better have your box on UPS. 

> The other weird thing is the temperature sensors.  CPU
> temperatures show 
> up within limits (typically 55C plus/minus 5C), but two of
> the 
> temperatures are way out of whack:
> AUX Temp:   +127.0°C  (high = +80.0°C, hyst = +75.0°C) 
> ALARM  sensor = 
> thermistor
> Sys Temp:    +74.0°C  (high = +17.0°C, hyst = +43.0°C) 
> ALARM  sensor = 
> diode

When I first saw my AMD CPU temp at 70 C I was alarmed too but I think it is 
"normal" for CPUs to have temp this high, since CPU is the hottest thing in the 
box, may be that is what your Sys temp is. No idea about AUX.

--Naresh Narang


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