> Time to switch to a more current distribution like Debian then? :)

I agree.  This machine, however, is  for someone else who has is somewhat
familiar with ubuntu and would not want to try other distributions. And my
take is, the jump from windows to ubuntu has been a big one for someone with
a long experience of having used only windows.  Let him stick to whatever
distribution the person is okay with until all temptations of shifting to
windows are gone.

I'm a bit surprised that you, well-informed about the dangers of
> unsupported cards, still went ahead and bought a laptop without first
> checking whether all the hardware was supported or not.  How come?

Well, purchasing the computer is a complex decision. First, most of what you
get in the market is bundled with some hardware that comes with proprietary
drivers for windows only. And, by and large, on linux, there are ways of
handling most of these hardware problems. So you have ndiswrapper for
wireless cards and things like that. True the performance is not as great as
it would be if you had proper drivers. But then it works okay. Do you think
that this confidence is misplaced? Second, the decision to purchase also
depends on cost, assessment of problems with service and repairs, and a lot
of other things. :)

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  • [ilug... Vikas Rawal
    • ... Vikas Rawal
      • ... Dinesh Shah (દિન ેશ શાહ/द िनेश शाह)
        • ... Vikas Rawal
    • ... Vikas Rawal
    • ... Vikas Rawal
      • ... Raj Mathur
        • ... Vikas Rawal

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