Nalin Savara wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 1:19 AM, Vivek Kapoor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I would've never guessed this one! My 250/- INR. Shall I do Bank
>> transfer?  ;-)
> No buddy, better you give it in person so that I can give you a piece of my
> mind also also.
> Tell me; is writing "abt" instead of "about" so damn deviant that you need
> to pass sarcastic remarks like this ? Or is it that you enjoy being
> patronizing and kicking a man when he is down, expecting that you'll get
> away with it ?

There is a purpose behind each activity. This is a public mailing list & 
the audience is varied.  The so called 'SMS Lingo' unnecessarily 
requires a level of concentration for decoding which not only wastes 
precious time but has other side effects such as poor search indexing. 
There is a huge difference in sending a 160 character SMS in which a 
single word can be abbreviated differently even by the same user, let 
alone others who use their own protocols.

The first principle of communication is that the language being used 
shall be understood by the parties interacting, otherwise there's no 
communication at all.  I am not sure what good intention you may have 
trying to rewrite the rules & hiding behind the colonial and the slave 
mentality concept.

The reply I had sent was in light humor. I didn't mean to offend, & as I 
did I'm sorry for that.  I think I'll be a bit more careful in future.

Best Regards
Vivek Kapoor

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