On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 2:24 PM, Swapnil Bhartiya
> Today every company is talking about Cloud computing, but RMS has rejected
> as a trap and it truly is. How much sense does it make to adopt technologies
> pushed by some companies which could further lock us in. We are struggling
> to get out of non-free and jail created by MS and colonial cousins, before
> we could break that another jail is awaiting.

As much as I respect RMS, he does have a habit of condemning things
without suggesting an alternative.

I need my data to be available everywhere. Not only that, I need my
data to be processable everywhere as well. When I switch machines, the
UI should change as little as possible and the data should not change
at all! Without complicated software installation/importing/exporting
steps! That's the problem that web2.0 / cloud computing solves. If
someone could come up with a viable free solution for it then people
will happily switch.

-- Anupam

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