> Well, I have been waiting to see the FOSS response to this for a while
> now. It is an interesting problem to solve. Of course, just calling it
> a trap doesn't suffice. You have to provide an alternative.


FYI: redhat is also working on some cloud computing projects of their
own. I don't have a link with me right now, though.

> It is a very interesting technology which will obviously change the way
> many applications can work. It challenges the whole notion of how
> computing is done today. The only response to it from a FOSS POV is to
> provide an alternate business model. Something similar to how the SETI
> project(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volunteer_computing), or even Tor
> works.

While I agree with the points RMS is making, I don't really agree with
the way he has put them. Cloud computing is the next frontier and I'm
not saying this because everyone else is saying. I'm saying this
because as a user all I care about is my data and ofcourse my freedom
to use it anywhere. Cloud computing gives me that. Most vendors take
care of keeping backups etc also so that's one more thing off my plate
as a user. It certainly is promising. The only thing the user needs to
be aware of is data lock-in and then decide on the service he/she

Like someone else on this thread said, Gmail has all my emails, but
atleast I have an option of using pop/imap to get them back, even if
gmail actually makes a second copy of all emails and keeps them on
their servers somewhere, I've still got my data back.

Privacy is a touchy subject but do you really think normal guys who DO
NOT hang out on slashdot care about having their email stored on gmail
or not ?  I remember the hue and cry that was made when gmail launched
and google decided to display advertisements based on the content of
the emails. And now those very people are all using gmail. Perhaps RMS
can afford to have highly available, always backed up email/data
available to him, but the general public cannot, and that is where
cloud computing is supposed to help.


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