
On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 12:05 AM, Sudhanwa Jogalekar
> Pradeepto has given a very nice explanation.
> However, in the legal scenerio, refering to Indian IT act 2000,
> unfortunately the term hacker or hacking is taken in the wrong sense.

          Yes, sadly its framed by cyberlaw experts and bureaucrats
like the one I mentioned earlier.

> Well, we can not change the people who write these words but we can
> educate them and all others by giving knowledge with the proper
> meanings/explanations (Like the one Pradeepto has given)

           Yes, thats why I had to explained *that* student what
"hacking" actually meant. The fact that everybody does hack in one way
or other - in technology, in life etc to make our life/things we do
easier. Or else mankind wouldn't have invented fire, wheel, spoons,
toilet flush, books, computers, CDROMS, Windows .... ummm wait? ;).
Point being, if you can use a long spoon to get that last bit of
Kissan Jam from that deep bottle, or if you draw threads of rope /
strings from a water container to a flowerpot so that the plants are
watered when you are away or you have developed a way to improve your
productivity ( lifehacks ) or if you write a simple script that makes
sure your ssh connection reconnects automagically after disconnection
or a script that fetches and tells the latest stock price for Reliance
Petroleum or you have done some (kernel) coding - you have done some
hacking  and YOU ARE A HACKER.

             Chirag, I hope you understand the meaning now.

> Even if we accept the legal terminology, Ethical and Hacker will not
> go together.

              Unless the laws are changed, and those can be changed
provide enough people talk about and enough people are educated about
it. And the misnomers are eradicated.  If we don't talk about it
enough and tell our friends/colleagues/family/etc we will soon have
people like Ankit Fadia framing laws for us.


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