> 1) specialized gear comes with firmware the hardware vendors don't
> share or reveal.

Build pressure, so they budge. You have that power.

c'mon, we can't get the full capabilities of commodity 3d graphics
> cards to work yet, or even flash or full acrobat equivalents. what i'm
> talking about will definitely take a while longer, if it all. in the
> meantime, my biological clock is ticking. i'd like to complete some
> creative projects before i croak.

Come, or dear, you are still young -- at least at heart ;-)

01. okay, even at EFY, we are not 100% foss-migrated.

I don't represent EFY in LUG. Its me Swapnil Bhartiya, or you can call me
Arnie. But for your info 80% of EFY runs on GNU/Linux. But again I am not
here to talk about EFY. I don't know where EFY came from? End of dicussion
on EFY.

02. you could also help the next LinuxAsia > OSIWeek become more
> foss-centric

Help? We are the team! Its only FOSS Centric.

> you, swapnil, can be the change you wish to see in the world.

Thanks for your trust in me. I hope I wont disappoint you. I always looked
up at you and it was sad for me to see you putting down gears. But I
understand what you mean and your helplessness. But, endorsing Mac or Widows
here will dicourage people like me. You can keep that as skeleton in your
closet :D

> inspire me.

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