Hi Chirag,

Thanks for reading my mail and thanks for taking the time to write a point
by point reply to my mail.

>> Remember-- that to innovate, you need to respect knowledge and display
>> professionalism and a willingness to pursue technical excellence at all
>> costs.
>I am just not able to figure out, what made you think that i'm
>> Remember-- that to innovate, you need to respect knowledge and display
>> professionalism and a willingness to pursue technical excellence at all
>> costs.
>I am just not able to figure out, what made you think that i'm
Buddy, it's about attention to detail-- about (a) focussing on reaching the
top versus (b) being the one who enlightens the grassroots about whats wrong
with the system.

Nothing wrong with path (b)-- but I think you're spending too much energy
focussing on (b) rather than (a).

Perhaps I've misread some things-- but basically, you wont have the time or
energy to rock the boat if you focus on rowing by paying a extreme amount of
attention to detail-- acquiring highest possible levels of technical

 (what stops you from building a IDE for Linux that looks and feels exactly
like Turbo C++ ? what stops you from learning PHP- remember your mails about
programming contest software ? what stops you from taking a shot at winning
the ACM programming contest for the whole world ?)

If you google around; you will find Tannenbaum's comments about what all is
wrong with Linux Kernel's design-- and why he would have failed Linus and
forced him to change his ways if Linus (Torvalds) was in Tannenbaum's class.

Either you can be the young Linus Torvalds (who builds new stuff) OR you can
be a young version of Tannenbaum (who tells faults of those who others dont
wanna criticize).

Just my thoughts, hope I havent hurt ya.

Whenever you are in Delhi-- please do drop me a mail-- and I will be happy
to see demos of stuff you have made--- and share ideas in person.

Best Regards,

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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