On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 1:57 AM, Sudhanwa Jogalekar
<sudhanwa....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Talking about copyrighted material but a little OT.
> On one of the ISO 27001 related mailing lists I am subscribed to,
> where most of the people are auditors, copyrights are given very high
> respect/priority.
> If someone sends some copyrighted material without any proper
> permissions from the author, he/she is out of the list immediately and
> this is what the list admin says:
> Goodbye "copyright_violator".
> If anyone else would like to leave the mailing list, simply unsubscribe
> yourself or send me an email request if that's too hard: there's no need to
> post copyright materials here without permission just to get yourself booted
> off the list ...

The way I see it, foss is all about being "reasonable", and having an
appropriate level of respect of other peoples time and effort. The
free/cc licenses are meant to allow civilised people to use other
people's content within the boundaries of that reason.

Shirish's way of attribution seemed perfectly reasonable to me but was
apparently not compliant with the license. Makes me think that perhaps
the license needs to be relaxed a bit. We need to encourage people who
are just trying to spread the good word of foss, not alienate them.
With Free communities, carrots work better than sticks..

-- Anupam

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