On Sat, 4 Jul 2009 20:41:53 +0530
Anoop John <anoopj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Attached below this mail please find a request from a Newspaper in
> Himachal Pradesh to migrate their systems to GNU Linux. Since
> ilugd is the closest community I know of, I am forwarding the
> request to you. I think they are looking for a commercial
> relationship. So this is an opportunity for a company or even a
> freelancer. I am cc-ing the person

(Copied to Anish.)

Where in Himachal are they based? While this sounds interesting, I
think that it would be too difficult for someone based in Delhi to
provide support in Himachal, as my guess is that without a fair
amount of hand-holding at the beginning, the process is liable to
collapse. Someone from Himachal had posted a little while ago to
this list. Maybe they can take it up.


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