Good to know the news has created enough heat at ilug list :). Though my
idea was not bashing Microsux (good one Raj :D) but to share the info with
you all.

Dhiraj Gaur

On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 2:12 PM, Yashpal Nagar <> wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 11:29 AM, Dhiraj Gaur <>
> wrote:
> >
> > A United States judge on Tuesday ordered Microsoft
> > <> Corporation
> to
> > stop selling Microsoft Word in its current form in the US as it infringes
> > upon a patent owned by a Canadian company, i4i.
> Little disappointed with the URLs provided,  thought of looking for
> more information. This is not the first and last news from M$ on
> violation of the patents, but the important thing is the "Ruling" by
> the court this time. Which has ordered M$ to ban selling the M$ word
> in the USA. Which is quite remarkable ruling.
> Apparently the same new is spreaded across all the major news and
> leading technology news websites.
> some of them are
> which clearly tell how exactly Microsux ( kudos to Raj for inventing
> ludicrously innovative term) violated the patents.
> I4i, which mainly makes software for drug and defense companies,
> obtained the patent for a "customized XML" tool in 1998. XML is a
> specialized alphabet that can capture any kind of computer file as a
> regular text.
> Microsoft started using XML as an alternative way to save Word files
> in Word 2003 and made it the default format for all Office files in
> Office 2007.
> This made it easier for Microsoft and its partners to create programs
> such as accounting software that generates reports in Word formats,
> says Rob Helm, analyst at research firm Directions on Microsoft.
> &
> Regards,
> Yash
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