On Sat, 24 Oct 2009 13:46:42 +0530
Kishore Bhargava <kish...@linkaxis.com> wrote:
> The talk by Karanbir Singh was simply great! He talked about
> cobbler + puppet for automating server installations. And gave
> some fascinating examples. We got the feeling that some of his
> servers are almost "self-aware".

I will second/third/whatever that. There are few ILUG-D talks that
I have seen that so involved the audience, and were also about very
interesting, cutting-edge work.

I am requesting Karanbir to allow us to put up slides of his talk,
as also of a longer tutorial that he is still working on and would
need clearance for. However, these will not quite substitute for
interacting directly with Karanbir at the talk.


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