On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 11:22 PM, Mohit Singh <gmohitsi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >  No disrespect intended, but I am at a loss at understanding what
> > you are talking about here. From what little I know, AICTE is
> > some kind of a sarkaari regulatory body for education. Where does
> > tehelka.com factor in here?
> AICTE sends inspectors to engineering institutions for approving their
> courses and also for 'so called' quality certification of NBA.
> All FOSSilosophy aside, they immediately reject FOSS as part of the
> software available for computer labs, library and otherwise. They want
> proofs of bills and licences/renewals - and all this is STRICTLY as
> NASSCOM or those non free software business people want.
> > Again, what is the context here? Where are these AICTE inspectors
> > coming to? Why exactly should we be worried?
> If these inspectors dont come and send report, no institute can get
> the approval to run any AICTE approved technical course. this is part
> of approval process. Its inspection!!!
> And the kinds of people who come for this inspection is VERY WELL
> known to all of us. If you need any more briefs, proofs, kindly visit
> any technical institution during their AICTE approval process.
> I am writing this mail because several institutions have revealed that
> AICTE inspectors SPECIFICALLY asked for non free software with their
> bills and licenses while rejecting FOSS.
> Mohit, I agree with you, and this is a very imp concern. if we can get some
written proof, I am ready to sit for hunger strike at AICTE.
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