At 4:48 PM -0700 2/19/2011, Tina K. wrote:
The OP was using TechTool *Deluxe* that is part of AppleCare, which to my knowledge cannot cause harm.

IN general, yes. And I have no problem with the basic diagnostic informations it presents.

The problem is that most people reach for it, and things like DiskWarrior, when they have *hard drive* issues. And what do those tools do to hard drives? They WRITE on them! So any life your HD had gets p*ssed away doing some test, instead of being used to make a backup! Tests are ok, but only *after* you've got a good backup.

Although from my experience it cannot cause good either ;-)

Exactly. 9 times out of 10, a little common sense and googling symptoms will narrow issues down better than any of those tools.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth.

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