At 9:07 PM +1100 2/21/2011, Christopher Collins wrote:
Disk Warrior is able to do a bit more to try and repair the disk. Whereas "Repair Disk" is fairly minimal.

DiskWarrior creates a new directory tree, replacing the old.

Disk Utility (fsck), does an in-place repair.

At 9:46 AM -0700 2/21/2011, Walter Sheluk wrote:
That has been my personal conclusion from some ( very scientific ) testing. For example, when my external firewire drives refuse to boot i have tried using Apple's Disk Utility to " repair disk " and it says something like OK disk repaired but still the said drive will not boot.

Disk Utility repairs the Disk. Note the word "disk" in the name! It fixes a few things in the partition map then cleans up the HFS+ data structures on the targetted volumes. Nothing to do with the OS that's ON the volumes.

Then applying DiskWarrior to the problem external drive and that resolves the issue. So i say : Apple Disk Utility you are a liar!liar!liar! ;-)

Depends on the type of error. DW is more thorough, in that it repairs some things that fsck ignores.

To be honest tho.... when a volume is farked to the point that fsck didn't repair it, my trust goes out the window. I don't care what munging DW is able to do.... It's time to updated m'backup and re-initialize that volume - lay down a whole NEW *guaranteed* *clean* file system.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth.

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