for remote control you can also have WinVNC (freeware) and Rconsole or telnetd 
included in the nt server ressource kit with rconsole you are authentified with the nt 
user database and winvnc can be used with a browser for the client ....

rconsole and winvnc can be installed as a service and you can remotely stop or start a 
service if they are crashed ....

don't forget that you can also install rsh on nt (from ressourcekit)

bye :-)

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Len Conrad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 14:24:48 +0200

pcAnywhere has been mostly great for us, but it still hangs (I'm awaiting
another product right now, supposedly more reliable and faster, as they all

Whatever, I bet all remote control programs hang at times, just like Imail 
or Cold Fusion, etc.  And then what?  How do you get your co-located
server's Web Messaging or SMTP running again at 03:00?

Well, not many NT admins realize this, but you can run a Unix-style TTY
daemon on NT an get telnet access into the NT command line, stop and start 
your services like pcA or web messaging, and then go back to bed.

Yes, yes, the telnet daemon can hang, too, but your chances of both the
critical user service, your remote control proggy, and telnet deamon all
hanging simultaneously should be greatly reduced.  Look at telnet access as
the "Entrée des Artistes".  vbg

You can find some telnet server reviews here:

I'm evaluating Fictional Daemon, FD, from  Tastes ok so far.

Here's what a session looks like into my dedicated Imail NT (French) server
(FD is Fictional Daemon):

 >cmd net start

  IMail IMAP4 Server
  IMail POP3 Server
  IMail PWD Server
  IMail SMTP Server
  IMail Sys Logger Service
  IMail Web Service
  Protected Storage
  Service d'appel RPC

 >cmd net stop "Imail Web Service"

 >cmd net start "Imail Web Service"


Just a suggestion.


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