Ok...My turn to chime up....>grin<

Mac: Best desktop publishing machine you can buy.  Nothing in the i386 world
even compares.
Amiga: Best audio and video processing machine you can buy short of an HP or
Silicon Graphics machine.
i386 PC: Best general purpose machine you can buy.  Far more versatile than
the others.

I say it all depends on what you want to do.  I've been a computer
professional since 1986.  I am Mac service certified amongst all of the
other certifications I hold.  Up until about 1996 I was strictly a break/fix
technician, then I switched over to network engineering.

Now on to the OS "war" that I sense brewing.

Mac OS: Best beginner OS you can find.
Win9x: Most versatile beginner OS you can find.
WinNT: Most secure desktop OS.  Sorry guys.  Linux and BSD aren't ready for
desktop deployment in a large scale YET.  They're getting there.
WinNT Server: Best network authentication OS you can find for the money.
Netware: Best file servers you can get.
Unix/Linux/BSD: Best Internet ready OS.  For use with Web servers, e-mail
servers, DNS servers, network appliances.  Sorry.  Even as an MCSE, NT just
isn't ready to be a major Internet server player yet.

My two cents.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Matt Chambers
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 11:12 AM
Subject: RE: [IMail Forum] Mac's suck ?

The only good MAC is a mac with Linux installed.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Angel Castillo
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 6:57 AM
Subject: RE: [IMail Forum] Mac's suck ?

Ok, we'll continue this thread since people don't know when to quit  :-)


You said "Macs are excellent machines, and if it were not for Apple
Microsoft would probably have never developed Windows."

I agree that Mac's have their advantages or shall I say Pro's as well as
Con's just like any system does but if it wasn't for Xerox the Mac would
have never been invented.  Second of all, if it wasn't for Microsoft...Apple
wouldn't be making money on their apps or probably wouldn't even be in
business.  In case you didn't know...Microsoft is the biggest make of
applications for the Mac OS...so Go Figure!

You said "That was only because I was too afraid to admit that as simple as
the OS is I did not know how to troubleshoot them well."

Well, I'm speaking from experience because I did begin my IT career
troubleshooting Mac's & PC's for major ISP's like CompuServe & Southwestern
Bell Internet and Mac's aren't as easy as you say they are.  In fact, it's
easier to get into the guts of a PC vs. Mac.  Mac's are idiot proof that's
why they grabbed a huge chunk of the Education market.  That's a good thing
but can also be a bad thing because us knowledgeable IT professionals would
rather fix the computer ourselves first before having to call Apple for

Just because Unix Admins that you know like Mac's doesn't mean they all
do...who cares anyway?  I don't like Unix, so it doesn't matter to me what
Unix Admins like or don't like...to each his own.  I like Cisco products but
I don't care if they prefer Mac's or were built on Mac technology to begin
with....good for them, but it still doesn't do anything for me  :-)

Yeah, I know NT, Novell, & Mac but just because I don't have a greater
variety of OS's that I like to deal with doesn't mean I'm any better than
another IT professional who does...it's all about preference.

You said:  "Cisco Systems  was founded on MACS and was only a MAC and UNIX
house until the release of Windows 95."

YEAH RIGHT...where do you get your info from?  Windows 3.x blew away Mac
market share since it's release...and you think it was a Mac & Unix dominant
world until Windows 95?  What rock was you under when all this
happened?...ha ha

You said:  "I hope that we all look at ourselves closely and determine the
real reason why we choose to cast stones."

I have one thought....then practice what you preach and don't cast stones on
what started out ONLY as a joke when I said "Mac's suck".

***This thread is officially done with since I started it...you want to
continue then e-mail me directly....it's no big deal***

Angel Castillo, MCSE, MCP+I
MIS Dept.  Jobs.com
IMail System Administrator
(214) 273-7629
"When you love what you do...you're alive!"

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jose Medeiros
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 1:53 AM
Subject: Re: [IMail Forum] Mac's suck ?
Importance: High

----- Original Message -----
From: "Angel Castillo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> No, not all people in IS suck but some do  :-)...but nothing compares to
> Mac's suck!...ha ha
> -------------------------------------
Okay I have to give my two cents..

Lets all try and understand one thing.  Macs are excellent machines, and if
it were not for Apple
Microsoft would probably have never developed Windows.
When I was a jr. Systems Administrator and all I new well was NT,
I thought that Macs sucked too. That was only becuase I was too afraid
to admit that as simple as the OS is I did not know how to troubleshoot them
Over the years I have come to appreacuiate there ease.
Many of the Unix Sytems Administrators I had the pleasure of
working with at Cisco Systems  ( They are the best and brightest ) own Macs
and love them but hate Microsoft Windows.
Cisco Systems  was founded on MACS and was only a MAC and UNIX house until
the release of Windows 95.

I also disliked Solaris and Linux at first, but it was only because I knew
both OS's very little.
I now have come to the conclusion that all OS's have Advantages and
Disadvanteges and I have learned to
respect and appreaciate all of them.

I hope that we all look at ourselfes closely and determine the real reason
why we choose to cast stones.

BTW: I was formally at VA Linux before Cisco Systems.


Jose Medeiros

----- Original Message -----
From: "Angel Castillo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> No, not all people in IS suck but some do  :-)...but nothing compares to
> Mac's suck!...ha ha
> -------------------------------------

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