
If I set a MIX folder to have unix permissions 770 and the files inside to have permissions 660 this allows me to make a symbolic link from another user's directory to this folder and have that user have full access to the files as long as the user is in the same unix group. However, when new MIX files are created, they are automatically made with permissions 600. With MBX this was not an issue as the file permissions would never change once the folder was created. With MIX, this breaks symbolic linking access pretty quickly.

Is there any way to get the MIX file permissions to be set based on the permissions of the enclosing MIX directory ? I.e. 600 if the enclosing is 700, 660 if it is 770, etc.? Similar could be done for creating new mix folders inside existing mix folders. It would be sad to have to use MBX only for any shared folders.

Thank you,

-Erik Kangas
Imap-uw mailing list

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