On Sat, 17 Apr 2010, Brian Hayden wrote:
Quote the dictionary all you want; while I agree with you in an ideal
world, people have been conditioned by 25 years of GUI metaphors that say
otherwise, which is why the purist recommendations are broken.

Except that the way that the Trash IMAP clients (double meaning intended)
implement the GUI metaphor is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than how the GUI Trash
metaphor is implemented elsewhere.

NONE of the file browsers - whether on Macintosh, Windows, Linux, Solaris,
it doesn't matter - implement the Trash GUI metaphor the way that Trash
IMAP clients do.

Some of the other assertions in this discussion are counter to what I've
seen and studied in users and analysis of their mail usage

A study is useless if the data is biased.

But, go ahead; keep on doing the same thing and expect different results.
A common - and completely valid - criticism of IMAP is that every GUI
client sucks.

Gmail's implementation made the mistake of layering IMAP on top which is
the wrong place to put IMAP.  But at least Gmail rejected all of the
"truths" about what users expect from a GUI that you claim that "people
have been conditioned by 25 years".  Gmail did something different, and
got different results.

Try thinking outside of the box.

-- Mark --

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
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