--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> At 06:27 ã 19/07/99 +1000, you wrote:
> coz english is easier than chinese. what's the use
> to speak chinese, but we
> can't comunicate with other people which is not from
> Asia?? so... english
> is much better coz you can also speak to the whole
> world not only to the
> western people.
English adalah bahasa penjajah. Colonialsime belum dibongkar. Lihat
saja pada Microsoft. Microsoft adalah penjajah baru. Kalau mau pakai
Microsoft harus bisa pakai bhs Inggris.....
> why did they vote for a house wife(Megawati)?? she
> only graduated from
> senior high.
You have to learn that Education is not everything, not necessarily
important. A person can have only graduated from SD (Primary school)
and still have great influence on the world. That's why higher
education in western countries like Australia is not seen as a status
symbol. Many a house wife has gone on to exert great influence in this
world. Many great business people, polititians, philosophers etc, were
only educated up to about 15 years old.
so i think they gotta think twice. i
> don't vote her coz she's
> a woman
Be careful with the way you say "I don't vote her coz she's a woman..."
artinya "Saya tidak pilih dia karena dia seorang wanita.."
What you mean is "It's not because she's a woman that I didn't vote for
but i don't think she can do it. i vote for
> someone who is highly
> educated,
Artinya "Highly Educated" itu apa? Kalau artinya lulusan Universitas,
Master, Dokter.... nggak mesti, itu bukan jaminan. Seorang pelukis
kemungkinan punya intelligence lebih banyak dari pada seorang PhD. Cuma
intelligence-nya lain. Kalau seorang pelukis, biasanya sangat teliti
pada dunia ini. Kalau seorang Dokter (PhD) sering cuma teliti pada
sesuatu yg tertentu saja, di bidangnya dia saja. Tapi jangan salah
artikan (don't get me wrong) pendapat saya ini. Saya cuma ingin
menjelaskan bahwa pendidikan tinggi bukanlah jaminan yg mutlak.
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