
Paying for software is really not an issue.  The University has spent hundreds
of thousands of dollars for hundreds of copies of Novell, a site license for
McAfee, Oracle, etc.

The point here is Cyrus is such a powerful program, with an outstanding track
record, that despite the few features it lacks at this point, you couldn't ask
for more, in my opinion.  In addition, my goal is to see all of the Exchange
server go away, and the only way to do that is to prove there is a better
system out there and put it to work.  Having one that's free makes it that
much easier to convince others to switch.

Anyway, thanks for your suggestion, I will keep it in the back of my mind.


"Randall S. Winchester" wrote:

> If you do not mind "paying" for a server, Sendmail has a POP/IMAP message
> store that is quite similar to the cyrus message store format. It does
> support multiple domains, and has a GUI to allow delegated per domain
> administration as well.
> Randall
> On Wed, 21 Feb 2001, John C. Amodeo wrote:
> : Greetings,
> :
> : Let me first start by extending my warmest thanks to everyone who has
> : replied to my original message regarding Cyrus capabilities to partition
> : into multiple independent mail servers.  After reading your suggestions,
> : and giving some considerable thought to what would be in our best
> : interest, we have decided to run Cyrus on multiple IP aliases.  This
> : seems to be the most common work around for the the multiple domain
> : problem.  The one major draw back to using this method is every time
> : Cyrus is updated to a new version, multiple copies of the binary will
> : need to be compiled all with different parameters (i.e. conf files
> : directory, etc.)  If you have, lets say, 4 Cyrus servers per physical
> : box, and 6 or so imap server, you can see what a nightmare this would be
> : every time a new version comes out.
> :
> : One of my colleagues came up with a suggestion that consists of
> : modifying the Cyrus code so we can pass variables to the binary when it
> : is invoked.  For instance, instead of compiling Cyrus with
> : /etc/imap.conf and /etc/cyus.conf hard coded in, we could modify the
> : code to accept a variable or two when the master is invoked.  This way,
> : we can have 1 binary on the server, but invoke 4 masters with different
> : parameters (like location of imap.conf and cyrus.conf).  I guess this is
> : the same concept as the "-s" switch to run imaps, and so on.
> :
> : Is this possible or am I totally getting out of control?  Has anyone
> : done this or attempted to do this yet?
> :
> : When our system is up and functioning well, we plan to write some good
> : documentation about ways to integrate Cyrus / Linux into a "business"
> : environment that uses Novell and Windows for file sharing and
> : application distribution.
> :
> : -John
> : ______________________________________________
> : John C. Amodeo, Associate Director
> : Information Technology and Computer Operations
> : Faculty of Arts & Sciences, Rutgers University
> : 732.932.9455-voice 732.932.0013-fax
> :

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