On Fri, 27 Jul 2001, Kevin J. Menard, Jr. spewed into the ether:
>     I'm thinking about patching cyrus imapd to allow the reading of
>     quotas from ldap.  Does this appeal to anyone?  Does this even
>     make sense?  Is this worth the trouble?
Save me the trouble ;). I have another suggestion though. How about a
simple script that takes the data from LDAP and puts it into cyrus?
So cyrus does not have to be patched. The script is an intermediary
between LDAP and cyrus.

>     Or more interestingly, I'd like to be able to associate a mailbox
>     with a uid/gid and impose system quotas on it.  Same as above.
This is much more interesting. Easier to manipulate as well.

Devdas Bhagat
In defeat, unbeatable; in victory, unbearable.
                -- W. Churchill, on General Montgomery

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