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On Mon, 19 Nov 2001, Ken Murchison wrote:

> Cyrus users,
> We are getting close to releasing Cyrus v2.1 (yeah, I know I've said
> this a bunch of times already) and we are leaning towards making it
> dependent on SASL v2.  We would like to do this for a number of reasons:
> 1. Take advantage of the benefits of SASL v2 (improvements in memory
> management, support for additional plugin types, simplified database
> support, and improved error reporting).

sounds very good!

> 2. Take the lead in SASLv2 migration.  Hopefully Sendmail, OpenLDAP, etc
> would soon follow.

i think they will follow soon!

> 3. SASL v2 and v1.5.x can peacefully co-exist on the same system.  I've
> been running Sendmail 8.12.1/SASL 1.5.24 and Cyrus 2.1 CVS/SASL 2.0.4
> CVS for weeks without any problems.

thats right. no problems with this solution.

> 4. We would no longer have to maintain two Cyrus v2.1 source branches
> (developer benefit).


> 5. It WILL happen eventually, so why not now?

the time is NOW.

> The biggest (only?) downside for existing installations is that any
> secrets stored in sasldb would have to migrated to the new format.  This
> will require resetting all of the users passwords because they can not
> be extracted from the old sasldb (unless you have been using my APOP
> patch).  As stated above, this will eventually have to be done, so why
> not now?

again: the time is NOW.

> We would like to get as much feedback (pro and con) on this as possible
> before we make a final decision.


> Thanks,
> Ken

i hope that the new Cyrus_v2.1 release will depend on SASL_v2.


- -- 
      _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/   _/      _/      _/_/   Joerg Pulz
     _/       _/    _/ _/_/  _/_/     _/   _/  TU Muenchen
    _/       _/    _/ _/ _/_/ _/          _/   ZBE-FRM-II
   _/_/_/   _/_/_/   _/  _/  _/ _/_/    _/     Lichtenbergstrasse 1
  _/       _/_/     _/      _/        _/       85747 Garching
 _/       _/  _/   _/      _/      _/          Tel.: +49 (0)89-289-14708
_/       _/    _/ _/      _/     _/_/_/_/      Fax : +49 (0)89-289-14666
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