> There is no further development on any branches other than HEAD at this
> time (um, well, Rob is working on some sieve byte-code stuff but this is
> limited to a small set of files, even though he's working on a branch).
> Unfortunately, I don't have the time, inclination or desire to port the
> hier-sep.  The intent of putting this functionality into v2.1 was to try
> to get people who want/need this feature to upgrade (just like the TLS
> caching code, SQUAT indexing, etc).  If there is a need/want for this,
> someone who hasn't already upgraded will have to do the port.
Maybe, but in forcing the new SASL you've raised the entry bar too high for
any production configuration to join.  Your baby might be born, but she's
on the moon and we have no spaceships to get there yet.

Joe Rhett                                                      Chief Geek
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                      ISite Services, Inc.

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