We have not used it yet.
Manson Northwest Webster-Home of the Cougars!
Brad Kruse          ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._
Tech. Coord.         `6_ 6  )   `-.  (     ).`-.__.`)
1601 15th St.        (_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'
Manson, IA 50563    _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'
712-469-3919       (li),'  ((!.-'
Fax 712-469-3131 

>>> "Johnson, Vicki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1/29/2008 12:07 PM >>>

Our school nurse in the elementary is wondering how many schools in our area are using the JMC health module and how many are using the Student Health Management program.  She would like to know how extensively you are using the programs.


Vicki Johnson

HS Computer Tech

Prairie Valley Comm School

1005 Riddle Street

Box 49

Gowrie, IA 50543





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