Lance....too much cold air on the brain??
My Cowboys would crushed them if not for a certain blonde that messed our 
season up.
Manson Northwest Webster-Home of the Cougars!
Brad Kruse          ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._
Tech. Coord.         `6_ 6  )   `-.  (     ).`-.__.`)
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>>> Lance Lennon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1/30/2008 9:26 AM >>>

we use the JMC module. Immunizations and other stuff (that is a technical 
definition by the way) are input by our School Nurse. She is awesome by the way 
and she once diagnosed my eye ulcer.

Eye ulcers are very painful things. If you have never had one, I hope that you 
never get one. IT is all better now, however my ears are still ringing from the 
concert I attended on Monday night. Velvet Revolver is for now, the loudest 
concert I have ever attended.

So how about those Patriots, I truly think that there is no comparison between 
them and the 76 Dolphins. I mean come on Larry Csonka weighed in at what 175 
and the Linebackers then were about 215. IT is no comparison to the athleticism 
of today's NFL athletes. To go undefeated in the NFL today is a much greater 
feat than to have done so in 76.

But I digress. Vicki, we use JMC Health Module, and we like it. 


"The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by 
accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals. We cause 
~Nathaniel Borenstein 
Lance L. Lennon
District Technology Director
Eagle Grove Community School District

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