Le 18/07/2016 à 14:54, Brynn a écrit :
> I like that idea of having books in certain languages showing on certain 
> translation pages.  However, I'm afraid some people are in such a hurry, 
> they might not find the translation for their language, and they're 
> stumbling along in English.

My first suggestion was to precise you need to change the language with
a simple sentence, but if that's not enough we could have links at the
top (or at the bottom in a dedicated section) of the page: ‘Books in
German’, ‘Books in French’, ‘Books in Portuguese’, etc. (I'm promoting
the most active translators) which would lead to the translated page.

> I think it might work if the English translation has all the books in all 
> the languages....then for the rest:  French only shows French books, Spanish 
> only shows Spanish books, etc.

Then the English page would still be very long…

> This reminds me of an idea that seems to recycle itself in my mind every few 
> months.  The idea of a sort of more or less regular Inkscape Users' article 
> on the website.  Realistically, twice a year is about the most I could 
> imagine, especially since we would be out there, sort of fishing for people 
> to write them (if not writing ourselves).  But it could be something like a 
> manual review, or a presentation of a really cool project someone has done 
> with Inkscape.  Or interview a developer, maybe??  Just a way to have 
> something on the website that could help bring more interest for users.

Yeah, that's would be really nice, but I don't know how this could be
implemented. You should ask if some people are interested, then describe
what you want on a feature request quoting your supporters.
(In my case I'm not able to write such articles yet.)

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