> I agree and would like to see the page replaced.

Replaced?  Reformatted?  Or just deleted?

While I agreed with getting rid of it eventually, earlier in the week, I've had 
a 2nd thought about it.  Once we've been able to contact tutorial authors, and 
invited them to upload their tutorials, I think we have to consider the fact 
that some will not be interested.  In the case of videos which are just really 
good and worthwhile, but the author doesn't want to upload, maybe it would be 
providing a service to users, to have those at least linked on that page.

I realize it's pretty ugly, at the moment.  But of course we can do better, at 
least for the short term, until the tutorials gallery grows.  I've been a bit 
under the weather myself, the last couple of days, so I need to touch base with 

Another thought I had.  Video tutorial authors might be more inclined to upload 
videos, if they could upload small batches in one go, instead of one at a time. 
Would that be really hard to provide?

All best,

-----Original Message----- 
From: Martin Owens
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2017 5:25 AM
To: Maren Hachmann ; inkscape-docs@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Inkscape-docs] Update "Video Tutorials" section in website

Hi Guys,

I've been sick (and still am) so I'm trying to follow this thread as
best I can, if you still have questions, you can ask me like this: "A
question for Martin: Blah blah blah" and I'll hopefully see it.

> - I wouldn't mind if some day, someone would decommission that page
> entirely... It's not a beautiful page, and the gallery can do it just
> as well, only with search, tags, ordering by quality, pagination,
> commenting ...

I agree and would like to see the page replaced.

> I think that would be an improvement, and also make it easier for new
> videos to be added by their creators.

The idea of video embedding is really to collect resources and empower
non-admins to add content. Tutorial videos or svg images, the only
extra for videos is that they are links to a video site with a
thumbnail instead of the actual video file.

> But maybe that would be going too far?

Nope, well within reason.

Best Regards, Martin Owens

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