----- Original Message ----- From: "Sisyphus"

I've uploaded Inline-0.48_02 to CPAN.
If it's not at your mirror yet, I think you should be able to get it at

It's also available via git:
git clone git://github.com/ingydotnet/inline-pm.git Inline

However, it's not so easy to check that the *actual* problem is fixed. As a rough check:

1) Run an Inline::CPP script (that sets the "_TESTING" config option)
2) Remove all references to cpp, Cplusplus, etc. from the generated config file 3) Re-run the same Inline::CPP script - at which point we should see the "config file removed" warning, followed by the successful running of the script. (And if we re-examine the config file we should also find that the references to cpp, etc are back again.)

I've run this check, and it worked fine for me.

This test would not be so easy to incorporate into the Inline test suite ... and I'm presently thinking that it won't be.

And it's not.

I'll run out a new devel release as soon as I can (ie later today, localtime) and, all being well, follow it up in a few days time with Inline-0.49.

David, once 0.49 is out, start listing version 0.49 of Inline as a PREREQ_PM in the Inline::CPP Makefile.PL .... and that's all you should need to do. If the M19 error message still crops up, then obvciously something still needs tweaking - but we'll attend to that as the need arises.

If this fix works as anticipated, then I think the M19 error message needs to be rewritten slightly (and I'll do just that later on today) - as there should now be no point in manually deleting the config file. If removal of that file didn't work the first time, then it's unlikely to work at a second attempt.

Didn't get around to doing that - I might change it for 0.49 though it's probably not really all that important.
Maybe I could just append the existing error message with:

And if that works please a file bug report, as it should not have been necessary.

We now have 2 places in check_config_file() where there can be an attempt to unlink the existing config file. Both are followed by a "_TESTING" message that tells us that the unlinking was successful. I've made those 2 messages different (so that we can readily identify precisely from where the message originates) ... afaik that's the only change I made to Patrick's patch.

Thanks guys !!


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