----- Original Message ----- From: "David Oswald"
Subject: Re: Strategy for improving install success of Inline::CPP

Excellent work!  I can't thank you enough for your responsiveness,
help, and ultimately for being receptive to solving the problem a
little higher up the river from Inline::CPP.

You're welcome.

If it works, it will
benefit all of the Inline plugin modules, not just CPP.

As soon as Inline v0.49 shows up on CPAN I'll release Inline::CPP
v0.32 and cross my fingers for a certificate of good health from the
smoke tests.

Yeah, I'll cross *my* fingers, too ;-)

In all seriousness, this probably should have been addressed some time ago - thanks again, Patrick, for writing the patch.
And thanks, David, for raising the matter.

I'll announce it here when 0.49 gets uploaded to CPAN ... which will probably be about 60 hours from now, all being well. (We probably should give the cpan testers a bit of a chance to chew on 0.48_02.)


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