
I forgot that for proper generics implementations, collections etc. will 
obviously need to specify "allowing any type". As such the introduction of 
mixed is pretty much necessary.

As in class Foo<A, B> { … } $foo = new Foo<mixed, int>;

As such, I'm actually in favor of introducing it.


> Am 24.04.2020 um 14:11 schrieb Bob Weinand <>:
> Hey Dan,
> this, I consider one of the few concepts which should never make it into PHP.
> In particular, the main problem with mixed is that it is a very easy "I have 
> no idea how to type that properly, so just let's use mixed".
> And really, in general, except for some debug functions, mixed is just an 
> excuse to not use proper generics. I cannot think of non-debug scenarios 
> where we are juggling truly unknown types where the type is unidirectional.
> (Uni-directional means: there is no corresponding getting/forwarding function 
> for an input.)
> Mixed is in almost every case just patching the holes in PHPs type system. 
> And as such, I'd rather promote RFCs trying to properly fix the gaps in the 
> type system than supporting mixed.
> Mixed is a hack, do not use mixed.
> Bob
> P.s.: If you want to migrate your types and have an overview of what's 
> already migrated, maybe just add a comment // type-migrated before or 
> similar? But that's seriously not the business of the language.
>> Am 20.04.2020 um 13:17 schrieb Dan Ackroyd <>:
>> Hi Internals,
>> Here is an RFC for adding a 'mixed' type to the language:
>> The RFC builds on an earlier draft by Michael Moravec.
>> Part of the motivation for pursuing this RFC was my recent experience
>> in upgrading an application to PHP 7.4.
>> Being able to add types to the application made the code much easier
>> to reason about, but there were places where I couldn't add type info
>> due to the lack of mixed. That made it hard to see if that piece of
>> code had been upgraded (but type info couldn't be added), or if that
>> code still needed to be upgraded.
>> cheers
>> Dan
>> Ack
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