Hi Mark,

Just out of curiosity, why is the 3rd case being included here? Is it just
because it's currently a warning? The current behavior is well documented
and known since ... forever? When I first taught PHP in 2011, I was told
post-increment/decrement was sugar for `isset($var) ? $var + 1 : 1` and if
I wanted different behavior I needed to write it out. Maybe that original
behavior was unintentional, but this seems like a pretty fundamental change
to something that has been that way since the beginning just to "make it
work like other languages"?

Robert Landers
Software Engineer
Utrecht NL

On Fri, Feb 18, 2022 at 12:28 AM Mark Randall <marand...@php.net> wrote:

> Internals,
> Following on from my previous thread, I think we are now in a position
> where we can begin formal discussions on an RFC to promote undefined
> variables to Error exceptions in PHP 9.0.
> I present:
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/undefined_variable_error_promotion
> I still intend to bring other error promotions forward, potentially in
> collaboration with other developers, but as this is the biggest change,
> and the most likely to attract a large number of comments, I thought it
> deserving of a standalone RFC.
> Mark Randall
> --
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