On Sat, Mar 5, 2022 at 7:05 AM πŸ˜‰ Good Guy πŸ˜‰ <xfs...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> On 05/03/2022 11:45, Sergey Panteleev wrote:
> >
> > Several members have asked not to have a debate on this mailing list,
> > let's respect their opinions too.
> >
> >
> >
> It's not debating. The original post was simply asking to show true
> colors of Ukraine's flag in these posts but HTML is not allowed here. I
> have created a simple HTML code that show something like this:
> Arrest Dictator Putin <https://i.imgur.com/Mxpx9bh.png>
> --
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> Ffs this is exactly what I'm talking about!  Are we talking about putting
out a statement of solidarity with the victims of war or are we talking
about putting out a political statement demanding the arrest of a world
leader?  *THE TWO ARE NOT ONE AND THE SAME!!!!!! *

So before we continue any further, we need to figure out EXACTLY what's
being proposed here because everybody seems to have a wildly different
interpretation of that.  Specifically, I would direct this question to
Pierre and Viktor:  Do you believe that "Arrest Dictator Putin" is
appropriate for the PHP homepage?  Is that what you meant when you said you
support a statement of solidarity?  I'm asking because it seems like there
are two very distinct camps among those who want to put out a statement:
One camp wants to express solidarity while the other seems more concerned
with personally condemning Vladimir Putin and demanding his arrest.

I'd feel a lot better about this if people would clarify which of these
camps they fall into.  It would be one thing if we had previously put up
something like "Arrest Dictator Bush" back in the day, but we didn't.  And
I'm not comfortable with the implied statement we'd be making that one
illegal invasion that displaces and murders innocent civilians is ok but
the other is not.

Could somebody please suggest a less politically divisive banner?  It
should focus on standing with the victims of war, not demanding arrests and
prosecutions.  That's not what the PHP homepage is for.

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