On Sat, Mar 5, 2022 at 14:26, Kris Craig <kris.cr...@gmail.com> wrote:
Specifically, I would direct this question to
Pierre and Viktor:  Do you believe that "Arrest Dictator Putin" is
appropriate for the PHP homepage?

As a Russian who fled his country because of arising concerns over Mr. Putin's regime, I find any words against him, appropriate. I'm a pacifist but I probably would try to kill him if I was given a chance.

Speaking about how appropriate "Arrest Putin" would be *on the PHP home page*, I'd say no, because I see how many different people have gathered here. We see that even Ukranian flag on PHP homepage is going to cause tensions (what about Iraq & Viet Nam?).

Starting this discussion, I had in mind the "sanity again madness" mentality. I even feel sorry now for how this thread brings so many disagreements and sol little compromise, so many emotions and so little reason. I still think though that in times like this, stating something like "PHP is against war" is very timely, and it is something we can agree to, without destroying any connections within community.

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