On Fri, Dec 1, 2023, at 8:27 AM, Andreas Heigl wrote:
> Hey Ben
> On 01.12.23 01:04, Ben Ramsey wrote:
>>> On Nov 30, 2023, at 02:45, Andreas Heigl <andr...@heigl.org> wrote:
>>> On 30.11.23 09:39, James Titcumb wrote:
>>>> On Thu, 30 Nov 2023 at 07:28, Andreas Heigl <andr...@heigl.org 
>>>> <mailto:andr...@heigl.org>> wrote:
>>> [...snip...]
>>>>     I suppose that is actually nothing that an RFC can do as I imagine that
>>>>     everyone from the PHP Group needs to support this and even an RFC
>>>>     wouldn't legally be able to change anything in regards to that.
>>>> Surely, everyone who has contributed (i.e. has voting karma) has the 
>>>> opportunity to vote, and therefore, if they choose not to vote, that is 
>>>> surely their choice. I don't know the ins and outs of it, but I'd have 
>>>> thought an RFC, well advertised, with plenty of time to ensure as many 
>>>> people can vote who have rights to.
>>> What I meant by that is that the members of "The PHP Group" are currently 
>>> the copyright holders. From a legal point of view no RFC can change that. 
>>> The only way to change that would be for the PHP Group to transfer their 
>>> copyright to someone else. What an RFC *can* do though is *propose* that 
>>> the PHP Group transfers their copyright to the PHP Foundation.
>>> Though I'm lo lawyer, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>> I have spoken at length with a lawyer about this, and the TL;DR version is 
>> that every contributor owns the copyright on their specific contributions, 
>> if the contributions are copyrightable. Some contributions (typo fixes, 
>> white space changes, etc.) aren’t copyrightable, but anything more 
>> significant that is the contributor’s own work belongs to them.
>> In other words, even though the license statement says the copyright belongs 
>> to The PHP Group[^1] or Zend Technologies Ltd.[^2], technically, these 
>> copyrights only apply to the specific code contributed by these 
>> organizations or contributed by people for these organizations (through 
>> work-for-hire or by legally transferring the copyright to them).
>> Contributing to an open source project is NOT an implicit transfer of your 
>> copyright to the project. To do this, every contributor needs to sign a CLA 
>> that specifies they are transferring their copyright to The PHP Group.
>> What is implied, however—and I’m told this is how most courts in the US and 
>> outside would view it—is assignment of license. When someone contributes to 
>> an open source project, they own the copyright on their contributions, but 
>> unless they specify a different license that covers their contributions, 
>> it’s implied that they are granting use of their contributions under the 
>> same license as the project. In this way, the contributor can’t later demand 
>> to have their copyrighted code removed; it’s under the terms of the same 
>> license, which can't be revoked.
>> Once a copyright statement is placed on a source file, there’s a bunch of 
>> legal reasons why you cannot change or remove that copyright statement. In 
>> general, you should keep all copyright statements added to a source file and 
>> never change one that already exists on a source file. Just look at the file 
>> header on any WebKit[^3] source file. WebKit even specifies that you add a 
>> copyright notice to each file where you make “significant” changes.[^4]
>> With this in mind, it would be more proper to update the general copyright 
>> notice to something like this:
>>      Copyright (c) 2023 and later, The PHP Foundation and contributors. All 
>> rights reserved.
>>      Copyright (c) 1999-2023, The PHP Group and contributors. All rights 
>> reserved.
>> Since no reassignment of copyright is taking place, we don’t run into any 
>> major legal issues, and this tells a true and accurate story. The PHP Group 
>> were stewards of the project until 2023, at which point the community 
>> recognized The PHP Foundation as the new stewards of the project, and 
>> through all of this time (since 1999), the various copyrights have been 
>> owned by their respective owners (i.e., contributors).
>> If you look at the file headers on ICU source code, you can see that 
>> Unicode, Inc. made a similar change in 2016.[^5]
>> All this said… I am in favor of making this change.
>> I also have a lot more to say on this, as I’ve been considering opening up 
>> an RFC on just this topic. I had intended to reach out to Zend first 
>> (through Matthew Weier O’Phinney), but I haven’t done that yet, so this is 
>> the first time anyone from Zend has seen these ideas. My apologies. :-)
>> The PHP source code is interesting in that it is covered by two licenses: 
>> the PHP License[^6] and the Zend Engine License.[^7] This is an historical 
>> artifact of the early days of PHP when it was conceivable that other 
>> companies might develop their own engines for PHP, but we know how this 
>> story ends: for all intents and purposes, the Zend Engine is PHP and PHP is 
>> the Zend Engine. Yes, I’m aware of alternatives (with very limited 
>> adoption), and no, they don’t matter for this discussion.
>> Both the PHP License and Zend Engine License are based on the BSD 4-clause 
>> “Original” license,[^8] and as a result, neither are compatible with the 
>> GPL.[^9][^10] In fact, the Zend Engine License isn’t an OSI Approved 
>> License, while the PHP License is,[^11] and this can cause problems, 
>> especially with companies that require SBOMs listing the licenses of all 
>> third-party software used and these licenses must be OSI Approved. I’m not 
>> sure why no one has raised this as an issue yet, and I’ve been quiet about 
>> it (until now) to avoid it becoming an issue.
>> The BSD 4-clause license is the one that includes the “obnoxious” (in the 
>> words of the FSF) advertising clause, and the Zend license includes this. 
>> Both the PHP and Zend licenses include a statement that says The PHP Group 
>> and Zend Technologies Ltd. have the exclusive right to publish revised 
>> versions of the license, and both state that redistributions must include a 
>> specific “this product includes…” statement. The PHP License also includes 
>> the restrictions against using the name “PHP” in the name of any 
>> derivatives. If all of these statements are removed, the licenses become 
>> identical to the BSD 3-clause license.
>> So, a few points about this:
>> * In general, when changing a project’s license, you need every contributor 
>> to approve of the changes because they own the copyrights on their 
>> contributions and the license terms of their copyrighted contributions are 
>> changing.
>> * The PHP and Zend licenses are essentially the BSD 3-clause license with 
>> additional stuff.
>> * The additional stuff isn’t related to any rights a contributor (i.e., 
>> copyright holder), other than The PHP Group and Zend, would have on the 
>> source code.
>> * The PHP Group has already specified it has the right to modify its license.
>> * Zend has already specified it has the right to modify its license.
>> * The additional stuff is largely unimportant and unenforceable.
>> * If both licenses are modified to change them to the BSD 3-clause license, 
>> this does not change any of the terms the contributors (i.e., the copyright 
>> holders) have granted to users, so we don’t need explicit approval from all 
>> contributors (though an advance notice of several months to allow comments 
>> on the changes is a nice gesture).
>> Obviously, IANAL, but I’ve spoken with Pamela Chestek about these changes. 
>> She is a member of the Board and Chair of the License Committee for the Open 
>> Source Initiative, though I must make it clear (for legal reasons) that she 
>> was not acting in an official capacity of her role with the OSI when we 
>> spoke.
>> 1. Retire the PHP License and Zend Engine License.
>> 2. Drop the Zend/LICENSE file and replace the text of the LICENSE file with 
>> the exact text of the BSD 3-clause license.
>> 3. Replace the copyright notice in the file headers and LICENSE with the 
>> following:
>>      Copyright (c) 2023 and later, The PHP Foundation and contributors.
>>      Copyright (c) 1999-2023, The PHP Group and contributors.
>>      Copyright (c) 1999-2023, Zend Technologies USA, Inc. ("Zend”),
>>        a subsidiary of Perforce Software, Inc.
>> Here is an example diff of the proposed changes to the LICENSE file: 
>> https://gist.github.com/ramsey/96026cda9da33cb95e49357dc074cdb5
>> We would allow contributors (i.e., copyright holders) at least 3 months to 
>> make comments on the proposal, after which their approval is implied.
>> An ALTERNATE PROPOSAL, if others feel strongly about keeping the “additional 
>> stuff” in the LICENSE:
>> 1. Retire the Zend Engine License, effectively folding it into the PHP 
>> License.
>> 2. Make some light edits to the PHP License to bring it to parity with the 
>> exact text of the BSD 3-clause license, while keeping the aforementioned 
>> “additional stuff.”
>> 3. Replace the copyright notice in the file headers and LICENSE, as noted 
>> above.
>> 4. Bump the PHP License version number to 3.2.
>> Here is an example diff of the alternate proposed changes to the LICENSE 
>> file: https://gist.github.com/ramsey/b6bd0339a027b182f91133d912515d44
>> Again, we would allow contributors (i.e., copyright holders) at least 3 
>> months to make comments on the proposal, after which their approval is 
>> implied.
>> It’s important to note that The PHP Group (or PHP Association) did exist at 
>> one time as a formal business entity in the US,[^12] and Zend drafted a 
>> formal agreement with the PHP Association for its use of the Zend 
>> Engine.[^13] So, there is some precedence here for members of The PHP Group 
>> to step forward and “bless” or approve of this proposal. Additionally, it’s 
>> important for Zend to also “bless” or approve of this.
>> So, this is a lot for a message in a thread about adding a donation link to 
>> the PHP website, but if others are interested, I can take this into a new 
>> thread and work on a separate RFC, or perhaps we use the same RFC for both 
>> and use it as an opportunity to formalize the project’s relationship with 
>> The PHP Foundation, as the successor to The PHP Group.
> Thank you for this in depth explanation!
> To me that already before that email sounded more than just an add on to 
> the donation link question.
> The reason I brought it up was that both seemed to have something to do 
> with the PHP Group.
> After digesting these information I would definitely
> a: want to go the path to change the license following one of your 
> proposals but
> b: separate that from the question regarding the donation link!
> I would happily help in drafting an RFC based on your proposals. My 
> first idea would be to not change the license in the middle of the 
> PHP8.3 lifecycle but have PHP8.4 or even PHP9 (as it kinda is a BC break 
> 🙈) released with the new license.
> As this would be a special RFC we'd definitely need a longer discussion 
> period than the required minimum of 2 weeks but we can explain those 
> details in the RFC itself.
> Cheers
> Andreas

I would agree that linking to the Foundation for donations and fully switching 
up the license/copyright are separate issues and should be separate 
proposals/RFCs.  That said, I in principle support both.

A license switch sounds like something that should be part of PHP 9; that's 
also ample time for discussion.

--Larry Garfield

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