Le 05/12/2023 à 14:45, Derick Rethans a écrit :

In this first stage, we would like to invite you in commenting on the
document (either inline, or here).

As inline requires a Google account...

> priority (optional): The installation "priority".

1/ I don't like this name which is ambiguous

higher value seems to give higher priority
which lower are loaded first

This prefix, used in various linux distro,
is really a "load order", needed when using --enable-rtld-now

So I proprose "load order" instead

2/ values

Default value can be 40 or max(requirement) + 10

In Fedora where we use this for years we have
(IIRC debian have different practice)

0-19 for zend_extension
        10 for opcache
        15 for xdebug
20-39 for php-src extension
        20 for most
        30 if requirement (ex: pdo drivers)
40-99 for other (pecl...)
        40 for igbinary, msgpack
        50 for redis which use igbinary, msgpack


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