Ford, Mike schrieb:
> Yes, very true.  I've mentioned before that I think PHP 5's object 
> thingummies should be referred to as "handles" (and I'm sure I actually saw 
> this usage in early versions of the PHP 5 or Zend Engine 2 proposals).  Then, 
> it's much clearer that:
>    $obj2 = $obj1
> gives you a copy of the object handle, but:
>    $obj2 = &$obj1
> gives you a reference to the handle.

>From the point of view of an ordinary programmer: He's so right: It is
absolutely clear! You _must_ put this in the official documentation!
I knew what was happening before but up to this few words I could not
put it down in words. Thank you, Mike!


Simon: "So what are we doing?"
Kaylee: "Oh! Crime."
Simon: "Crime, good. Okay. Crime."
[firefly 02]

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