On 15.05.2006 21:10, Stefan Esser wrote:
Hey Andi
My point was that this has nothing to do with Zend or not Zend.
My point is not that someone from Zend broke it, but that someone from
Zend blamed the community that THEY failed to find the problem. I
thought Zend is enough into PHP to test their own products against RC's,
too. It makes me angry that in the last months again and again people
who earn their money with PHP come and insult those who work on PHP for
free and do all the hard work.

Oh, no.. You said it.

I get NO MONEY for testing PHP, fixing bugs, writing tests, helping users to 
solve their own problems @ bugs.php.net, maintaining several my own PECL 
modules etc. etc.
This is all my own "just for fun" job that I do in my spare time FOR FREE.

So it makes me a bit angry when someone who did nothing (except for a couple of 
mails to internals@) for PHP since December starts treating me and Dmitry 
(who's one of the most active PHP contributors) like a millionaires who earned 
their millions from poor PHP community.
Whether you want it or not, but we are the part of this community and yes, it 
was partly MY own fault that the bug has slipped in.

So please stop your trolling session and start writing new tests or at least 
doing something more productive than you're doing now.
Thank you.

Wbr, Antony Dovgal

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