Andi Gutmans wrote:

I'm obviously not an expert on this stuff so I don't have much added value to add. However, I think from a high-level I think it's important that we have one PHP manual and that the manual covers both functional and oo extensions. I think the last thing we want is to have several PHP manuals.
My $.02. Now I'll shut up :)

Well PEAR is far from being able to claim that it has solved its documentation problems. However I generally think that its ok to have different tools for API documentation and end user "tutorial" style documentation. However I guess the main stumbling block is that the PEAR API documentation is currently generated directly from the source which does not really lend itself well for translations. It also means that we have documentation for every single version ever released. However at least I have not been good about noting when features have been added. Also doxygen produces much nicer inheritance graphs than what we currently have.


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