Ilia Alshanetsky wrote:
> If anything it'll make code complex and intertwined, introduce serious
> scope issue most people have not had to consider up until now and so
> on. It will without a doubt increase language complexity as well, which
> generally translates to a loss in performance.

 Am I right to assume that both scoping and performance issues only come
 up if we were to implement an import() mechanism? If so, do we really
 need import?

 If not, then

   namespace foo
     class bar

 would be "mangled" at compile-time into foo\bar and should not impose
 any performance penalty or scoping issues.

 Not having an import() mechanism, however, would mean that the user of
 a namespaced package has to use "fully qualified" class names (like
 foo\bar, for instance) while the developer of the namespaced package
 can (and should) use the "relative" class name. We would still get two
 benefits out of this:

   - The developer of a package does not need to worry that his class (or
     constant, function) names clash with his package's users.

   - The developer of a package can shorten the class names inside his
     namespaced package significantly.

       PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {}

     would become

       namespace PHPUnit {
         namespace Framework {
           class TestCase {}

    Classes inside PHPUnit\Framework could refer to the class as just
    TestCase, classes inside PHPUnit as Framework\TestCase, and classes
    outside PHPUnit as PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase.

Sebastian Bergmann                
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