Jani Taskinen wrote:
> Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
>> Uh, this was agreed upon by everyone involved in the design of the
>> Unicode support.  So saying I am the only one is extremely misleading.
>> I may be the only one explaining why the decision was reached, but I am
>> certainly not the only one in favour of it.
> Yesterday's decisions don't necessarily apply today. ;)
> (to be "agile")

Fair enough, but it would be nice if the folks involved in the decision,
including yourself would then clearly state their reasoning for making,
or at least supporting, the decision in the first place and then explain
what has changed to make you change your mind.

>> By not providing it, we ensure that a large number of people will not
>> move to PHP 6.  At least by providing it we give ourselves a chance.  I
> Yes, you assume that this happens. I've got a hunch too that there will
> be more PHP 6 user's than there ever where with PHP 5 by just thinking
> how many asian, arabic, etc. people there are in the world..lot more
> than western anyway.

It comes down to predicting the future.  Whichever way we go, the
decision is going to be second-guessed.  If we have critical mass for a
clean BC break, then I am ok with it.  For me personally it would make
things a bit easier, but I think it would be a long long time before we
saw any large hosts out there switch to a PHP 6 that can't run common
PHP 5 apps.


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