Jeremy Privett wrote:
> But, let's look at this situation from another angle. What if
> unicode.semantics becomes the next magic_quotes or safe_mode, and is
> ALWAYS OFF in 95%+ of PHP installations? All of the work you did to add
> unicode support was WASTED on this presumption that if you don't have
> BC, no one's going to use it. Whereas the opposite is clearly true, in
> this case. If you have BC, it'll get used simply because it works with
> old code, but the main thing that changed about the language will never
> be touched.

I actually don't have a problem with 95% of PHP 6 installations turning
off Unicode support and this being the default setting for ISP's.

Full Unicode support in an application is a big commitment and it will
take quite a bit of work.  I just don't think that many people will
invest the time and effort into doing this, but at the same time there
will be large applications and services that have full control over
their server settings that will make use of it.  Think Flickr, Yahoo,
Facebook, etc.

If enough people think it is a good idea to remove the switch we can do
it, but we have to realize that everything we improve in PHP 6 will
mostly be for the benefit of these large dedicated applications and the
regular Joe User on a shared server will never see these them.


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