Mark Krenz wrote:
>   ???  What do you mean?  I talked with Ryan Bloom about this at Apache
> Con 2000 and he said that with Apache 2.0, modules would be able to run
> code with the permissions of the user assigned to each vhost.  I asked
> about the prospect of PHP being able to utilize this and he said its
> possible, but I got the impression that the PHP devs where not
> interested.

This is the perchild MPM.  It was supposed to allow you to configure a
given number of threads per user, which in your case would mean per
virtualhost, and it would route requests correctly to these pools of
threads.  If you had done a bit of reading on the history of the
perchild MPM since 2000, you would have discovered that it was never
completed and it is no longer part of Apache2.  The concept looked sort
of ok on paper, but it had a number of problems.  On the PHP side the
main drawback with it was that it required a threadsafe environment.
Back in 2000 most of the libraries PHP could be linked against were not
threadsafe, and even today it is rather risky to run in threaded mode if
you link in a lot of 3rd-party libraries.  A small dedicated server with
a limited number of extensions can run quite well threaded, but in an
ISP situation where you basically have to link in everything under the
sun, getting everything stable and robust in a threaded environment is

You will never get a 100% secure web server.  It just doesn't happen.
The best you can do is use a layered approach where each of your layers
act at different levels and hope that the holes in each of your layers
don't all line up.  Think of it as using 3 innertubes in a tire each of
them with a couple of holes in them.  You'd have to be pretty unlucky to
have a leaky tire.  But in order for this to work the layers have to act
on different levels and they have to all be trying to achieve one thing.

In our case, what we are trying to achieve is to prevent external users
from exploiting flaws in PHP or in userspace code to attack the server
or the application.  Safemode doesn't fit this.  Safemode was a
misguided attempt at providing some sort of protection against malicious
users on the same server.  There are no layers to help us here, and it
has multiple known holes, so the tire is always flat.

PHP is the wrong level to try to protect users from other users on the
same server.  No language does this.  You brought up Perl, for some
reason.  It also has absolutely no way to protect two perl scripts that
run as the same user id on the same server from mucking with each
others' files.  I added safemode to PHP years and years ago when it was
a much simpler beast.  I'm not (always) an idiot, and I knew at the time
that it wasn't the right place to add this protection, but the
alternatives at the time weren't viable, and I needed it.  It was even
somewhat effective since it has less things to deal with.  As PHP grew
and became more complex and linked in more complex libraries, it became
completely impossible to even begin to pretend that safemode was still
effective.  Any 3rd-party library that accesses files are not subject to
the safemode check unless we can somehow catch it at the PHP level.  For
stuff like the Oracle client library where an sql query can open a file,
and that query can be written a hundred different ways, there is
absolutely no way to make safemode work.  We don't have the source code
to this library and there are no hooks for us to override file access in
it.  I appreciate that you think we should just solve these problems and
make safemode perfect because that would make your life easier, and I
appreciate, well I don't actually, that you think we are idiots for not
doing so, but while we may be idiots, we have actually thought about
this quite a bit, and we consider it an intractable problem.


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