On 16.10.2007, at 15:09, Hans Moog wrote:

When it comes to interoperation between systems and or developers, it is always a good idea to define strict standards of how the communication between libarys and components has to take place (since public methods are something like an interface bewteen interoperating libraries and classes), to be sure that all components work together as expected. One of the best approaches to explain the usage of the class to a foreign developer and to be sure that your class is used correctly and help the foreign developer to understand how your classes have to be used
(beside documentation), is to typehint your parameters.

I do not agree that its always a good idea to make your communication strict when you are using a type less language. Are you implying that for some reason typeless-ness only becomes relevant in your user land code? I do agree that libraries tend to be a bit more "static" and therefore less in need of quickness in development, but I do not see this validating your core assumption that strictness is a good thing for libraries. PHP has always tended more towards keeping running when at all possible rather than throwing fatal errors. The advent of exceptions has changed part of this game already, but I do not think that the solution is to start turning every situation the developer hasnt thought off into fatal errors. Sometimes barely working is better than not working and I think this is a mantra on the web.

But when you do so, you are no longer able to overload your methods anymore. Because of this, I think this feature is EXTREMELY relevant to solving the web problem. Not being able to overload methods anymore is a bad thing since overloaded methods allow to use a class in much more situations than just being able to use it
in one single way.

You are not able to tell the developer to use integer OR string values but NO arrays, booleans, Objects
and so on when calling your method.

You could mention it in the comment but when he misunderstands the comment, php doesn't notify him about
his error. When using type hinted parameters, php would do so.

You are not able to provide strict api's out of the box right now. You will always have to check the types of the
passed parameters manually.

Your list of if's is quote long, which illustrates what kind of niche problem you are solving. The bulk of all libraries can live quite well without type hints. If you choose to use them, then accept their limitations and add manual overloading via separate functions that cover all reasonable permutations. Or implement this overloading the same way other people handle the lack of named parameters. The addition of type hinting was questionable enough, that they hardly warrant yet another addition just to make them even more useful in a niche case.


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