> 2007/12/31, Mikko Koppanen
> Calling methods without knowing that they exist sounds like a hack to me. How 
> about using abstract classes or interfaces?

If you look at, for example, python - calling methods that don't
*know* exists is common practice, it's not a hack from my point of
view. It's just easier to ask forgiveness then permission, to quote

I never understood the direction PHP is heading with type hinting,
static binding (SPL-Types?), etc. While I don't directly oppose it I
don't see any reason for it. I just thought that adding some type of
ability to handle unknown method calls (without forcing *every* class
to implement __call() in a specific way) would be a nice way for those
of us that want to continue to use php as the dynamic, duck-typed
language we learned. Maybe it will fall on deaf ears, but I thought it
was worth a chance and at least propose it here on internals.

Regards, Fredrik.

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